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Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

What types of shows are possible?

  • Screen Shows – use the smartphone’s screen
  • Flash Shows – use the smartphone’s flash instead of the screen
  • Fully Programable Shows – all the smartphones are individually programmed
  • Single Source Shows– all smartphones do the same thing

Do the lights need to be turned off for the show to look good?

For light shows using the smartphone’s screen, yes, the lights must be turned off for the light show to look good. We strongly recommend that all lights, including the video screens and ribbon screens, be turned off during the light show.

For light shows using the smartphone’s flash, we still recommend turning off the lights, but it is not necessary. As seen in this video from the 2018 College Football Championship Game, the flash show looks great with or without the venue lights turned off.

Does the show / game need to be sold out to create a Smartphone Light Show?

Absolutely yes! We do not recommend scheduling a light show for a game or event that is not guaranteed to be sold out.

How many people can we expect to download the app?

This really depends on the client and the game.

  • If the event is promoted several times via email and social media, it will positively impact downloads.
  • If you have a “Pep Squad Captain” get on a microphone at center court to promote the light show, it will positively impact downloads.
  • If the game is not sold out, it will negatively impact downloads.
  • If the game has a high rate of older fans, it will negatively impact downloads.

Who places the flyers in the seats?

We ask that the client provide students or interns to place the flyers in the seats.  For a 10,000-seat venue it takes 10 people about three hours to place the flyers in the seats.

How many shows can be produced for an event?

The Human Video Board app supports an unlimited amount of shows per event, though we recommend using three or fewer for maximum participation and fun! We also recommend that shows last no more than two minutes.

When should light shows be displayed?

Human Video Board light shows should happen when the most people are in their seats, typically right before the event begins, during halftime, and/or between periods.

How can sponsors be recognized?

The best way for sponsors of Human Video Board light shows to be recognized is to include their name or logo on the app and on the flyers that are placed in the seats.  In some cases, we can include the sponsor name or logo in the light show design.

How much lead time is needed to get things ready?

The most time-consuming parts of the process are defining the stadium/venue for the first time and creating the animated videos.  We recommend allowing at least four weeks to complete this process.

Is it important to send email blasts and social marketing campaigns to the audience prior to the event?

Absolutely yes!  The more you communicate with your audience, the more likely they are to download the app before they arrive and participate during the event.

Does our venue need to have a good Wi-Fi system for this to work?

No! Minimal network access is required for smartphones to get their part of planned light shows leading up to an event, but it is not required during the actual show. In other words, we won’t bring down your network.

How do we cue the audience?

  • Dedicated cues on the arena/stadium video screens
  • PA announcer, if possible
  • Audience Leaders with cue cards (provided by Kivett Productions)
    • We provide the cue cards and radios; we ask that you provide the cue card holders.

Does the Human Video Board app need to access the smartphone's microphone?

No. Because our shows are time-based, we do not need to access the phone’s microphone.

How do you get all the smartphones to start the light shows at the same time?

Hire us and we show you how we do it.  The technology is pretty amazing!

Organize a Smartphone Light Show for your next event.

Contact Kivett Productions to learn more about a Smartphone Light Show for your next event.